What Is the Secret Sauce to my Happiness?

Being happy by yourself is the best strategy I’ve found so far; it’s the secret to happiness.

Being alone doesn’t mean being lonely. It’s a mindset thing, you know? So, it’s not like I’m depressed, if I decide to spend time by myself.

No, not at all.

Yes, occasionally you find yourself in the wrong crowd, and even in situations where you are surrounded by people, loneliness can set in.
Here’s the real deal, though: Feeling lonely and being alone are not the same thing.

They are two completely separate things.
Consider this: Have you ever spoken in front of a gathering of people and felt as though no one was actually paying attention?

Or is there a friend of yours who constantly seems to have an opinion, but yours never seems to count?

Yes, even in a crowd, that kind of feeling has the power to make someone feel alone.
And there’s an aspect of disgust. You know, that constant sense that you’re failing at life in some way if you’re alone?

Let me tell you, though, that is just a bunch of bullsh*t.
being at ease in your own presence. That’s where the actual power lies.
Let me tell you this: I’m studying abroad, far from my loved ones.
And you know what’s kept me going? Accepting my alone time.

It’s similar to holding to an ability that only you know about.
I once believed that people who are alone are losers.

Who wants to just sit there and flex their fingers, after all? However, living alone has taught me something extremely important: being surrounded by people isn’t always an essential requirement for happiness.

Occasionally, it’s about discovering happiness in your own company.

Let’s also discuss complaints. Have you ever observed that you truly have no one to complain to when you’re by yourself? It’s as though you’re driven to handle your own problems rather than dumping them on others.
And you know what? It’s not entirely something awful.

Now, for the juicy part: Normalising personal time is essential. It has nothing to do with hiding from people or becoming unfriendly.

No, the important thing is to realize that loneliness need not always be a bad thing. Indeed, it can be quite amazing.
I used to laugh at the thought of going out on my own.

Who needs it, after all? However, right now? I understand now. Being lonely is not the same as being alone.
It’s all about finding your own rhythm, moving to the music you choose, and enjoying every second.

So let’s embrace living alone and acknowledge that being alone is where the magic happens.

Thank you!

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