Top 10 lessons from the compound effect.

“This Powerful, Practical Book, Based On Years Of Proven And Profitable Experience, Shows You How To Leverage Your Special Talents To Maximize The Opportunities Surrounding You. The Compound Effect Is A Treasure Chest Of Ideas For Achieving Greater Success Than You Ever Thought Possible!”

— Brian Tracy, Speaker, And Author Of The Way To Wealth

1 habit only:

Keep it slow; in the beginning, don’t start with a lot of habits; instead, focus on one at a time. For example, try just one habit for a week; it doesn’t matter how big or small; as long as you stick with it, you can add more. You will automatically notice an improvement.

Directly copied from the book: You win when you take the right steps day in and day out. But you set yourself up for failure by doing too much too soon.

Use enemies:

We all agree that having enemies has many benefits in life, even though there are also many drawbacks. We fight because we want to win, and we work because we want to win from enemies. Without enemies, nothing would be useful, but when used properly, enemies can be motivators. Use your opponents as a source of motivation; they are the ones who give us a reason to be brave people by making us develop our skills and abilities. Without enemies, we would be lazy.

1 Important question you should ask:

What do you do when you want to accomplish something?

You aim for the goal, give it your full attention, say, “Okay, I want to achieve this goal,” and then you probably ask, “How can I achieve this goal, right?” However, the author argues that this is not the question you should ask first.

While this is important, it should be the second question, the first question you should ask is: What kind of person do you want to be? Examine those who have achieved it, take note of their habits, and work towards becoming that person.

This is because, in the words of the author’s mentor Jim Rohn, “If you want more, you have to become more.” It is not something you chase after success. It can be similar to trying to chase butterflies—whatever you chase will avoid you.
Success is something you draw to yourself through who you become into.

99% failure:

It’s difficult to change; accept that. This is the hardest thing to do, but it’s worth it because it will require more work and require you to become more organized.

The reason that 99% of people fail is because they all do the same thing; successful people, on the other hand, take risks and embrace change.

Since most people avoid change because it’s difficult, don’t you think that this will set you apart from the crowd? that this is beneficial because, if it’s simple enough for everyone to do, everyone is doing it, but you can utilize it to your advantage and succeed if you start making changes to your routines.

Directly copied from the book: Ordinary is easy. Extraordinary is what will separate you from the crowd.

(if you want to read all chapter summaries of the compound effect book then click here)

Be patient:

This is where most people fail because they lack patience and give up too quickly.

Instead of blaming yourself if something doesn’t work, figure out what went wrong and make the necessary changes before moving forward. It’s okay to fail, to lose, and to take longer to find the answer, but be patient, and keep trying until everything works out. Just try again, try a different approach, try different methods, just try, try different ways.

Brushing your teeth:

Ever wonder why brushing your teeth never appears to be difficult?

Let me answer because once something becomes a part of your routine, it becomes easy to do and requires no thought or effort. Therefore, anything you want to build, just try it every day, do it every day, and don’t skip.

It will be difficult at first, but your focus should be on applying your habits to your daily routine. If you follow through on any of your habits successfully, you will notice that they have now become a part of your routine and you can perform them stress-free, automatically, and effectively.

Directly copied from the book: A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else. A routine is exceptionally powerful.

Use your 8 minutes wisely:

Within the first eight minutes of waking up, express your gratitude to one person.

This person might be a friend, a sister, a brother, a wife, a spouse, or anybody else; the important thing is to simply be grateful and kind to them. offer love; in order to get love, you must first offer love.
Do these three things in these eight minutes, according to the author:

First, Start with expressing gratitude for whatever you have in your life.
Second, show someone you love them.
Third, list three things you may take to go towards the goals you have set for yourself.

No more than 60 days:

This is the most important lesson I’ve learned from the entire book: if you really want to stick with something for a long time, just do what I say.

For example, if you want to start an exercise routine, don’t do it every day. The author claims that if you do this, you won’t be able to maintain it for more than three months. For now, try doing it 2 hours a day for five days a week, and then do it only for 60 or 90 days. no longer than that.

Then perform it alternately for an additional 60 to 90 days for one hour and fifteen minutes. Although the author suggests doing it for four days, you can do it for five.

Then continue for an additional 60 to 90 days for the same hour but for three days.

Directly copied from the book: You have to build a program that you can do for fifty years, not five weeks, or five months. It’s okay if you go strong for a while, but you’ve got to see light at the end of the tunnel where you can start scaling it back. You can always find forty-five minutes to an hour a few times a week, but to find two hours, five days a week, to make your routine work, that’ll never happen.

That’s why the author suggests doing it for only 60 days.

Garbage in garbage out:

The author of this book makes the case that the environment is important for personal development and that what you feed your mind will come to pass. For example, if you feed your mind negativity, your mind will produce negativity. Instead, feed your mind positivity by reading books, listening to podcasts, and listening to audiobooks.

Don’t drink dirty water: Your mind will produce whatever you feed it, and your expectations will shape reality. Remember that expectations are generated by thoughts, which are inspired by what you see or hear.

Thus, pay attention to how you think, keep in mind that you are constantly feeding your mind, so decide to see or hear positive and encouraging things.

Directly copied from the book: It’s estimated that Americans (twelve and older) spend 1,704 hours watching TV per year. That averages out to 4.7 HOURS per day. We’re spending almost 30 percent of our waking hours watching TV. Almost thirty-three hours per week—more than one whole day each week! It’s the equivalent of watching TV for two solid months out of every twelve! WOW! And people wonder why they can’t get ahead in life.

Yes, you are dressing like them:

I can’t believe how well this part explains itself. You’ve probably heard that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.

However, let me give you a big push. First, make a list of the five people you spend the most time with. Next, list all of their positive and negative qualities, as well as their bank account balance, state of health, and other details.

Finally, ask yourself if this is what you want. If the answer is no, it is time to change your circle of friends. You cannot surround yourself with negativity and hope for a better life.

Directly copied from the book: The people with whom we spend our time determine what conversations dominate our attention, and to which attitudes and opinions we are regularly exposed. Eventually, we start to eat what they eat, talk like they talk, read what they read, think like they think, watch what they watch, treat people how they treat them, and even dress like they dress.

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