The Untold Story of Alex Harmozi: From Debt to $100 Million Profits.

Who is Alex Harmozi?

Alex Harmozi is a successful entrepreneur known for his popular YouTube channel and bestselling books. He’s gained a large following on YouTube, where he shares valuable insights and tips on business and entrepreneurship. Additionally, Alex has authored several books that have resonated with readers seeking inspiration and practical advice for achieving success in their own lives.

With his engaging content and valuable expertise, Alex has become a trusted resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts around the world.

A case study of Alex Harmozi.

Just because of his dad’s strictness, he studied so hard to prove himself correct to his father, and from here, his success started. He graduated one year early and took a great job with a huge salary. He bought a house and did all sorts of things his dad expected from him.

But he was not happy. He tried his best to become happy, but two years passed and conditions remained the same. So he decided to go against his dad’s wish and do the things he loved – business.

So, he started studying business, but to be successful, he made another choice: to invest that money and time into successful people from whom he could learn directly. He was interested in bodybuilding, so he started from there. He sent 40+ emails to those people, but there was no reply. Luckily, one person did. The moment he got a reply, he sold his house and left his job to learn business.

And he did. He opened his own gym but remained with no money because he used it all to build that gym.

But, of course, there’s no overnight success; he went through a lot, from sleeping on the floor to using another gym’s washroom to bathe, etc. Finally, he created a grand offer where the gym was full of people.

The offer he used was to offer a discount using a credit card, plus every gym offered limited things. He offered a direct plan like, “If you join my gym, you will lose this amount of weight,” and if they didn’t get that wish-fulfillment amount, it would be refunded. His specific promise made the gym full of people.

He used a lot of strategies to become successful, and this way, he opened five gyms.

Once he met the author of “Dotcom Secrets,” and that person’s advice changed his life. Here’s the turning point: the advice he gave to Alex was to focus only on gym launching and to bring clients because Alex was good in sales. He was advised not to focus on managing the gym.

That’s how he started his next business by taking the advice seriously. He started building businesses for other people, but without creating a good plan, he became disorganized, leading him to depression.

During this time, his mother passed away, adding to his depression. He got into an accident because of being drunk, which led him to jail.

After all this, he sold all his gyms and removed himself from all business except launching gyms for clients. By selling his gyms, he had a lot of money. And you know what? Here’s the main twist: the person he did business with betrayed him and ran, taking all his money because the accounts were joint, and both were partners.

Now, the motivation hit him. How? Because of his girlfriend. He advised his girlfriend to leave him because now he lost his journey. But his girlfriend decided to be with him in all situations.

That’s how he got that power back and started creating business again to get clients. And things started getting better. He earned $100k.

But again, he saw that his accounts were going into the negative. Now, what are you thinking? What happened now? Again, he was betrayed. The person he was working with made offers to his gym members to cancel Alex’s offer and became my member because of refund policies.

He got too many refunds.

This world is full of cruel and betrayed people. And now he is again in debt. Amount: $150k.

By writing this story, OMG, I can feel the pain. We get sad about so many sorts of things – if we don’t get the dress we want or if we don’t get the marks we desire. Someone said something. Someone used our feelings.

But how is he handling this? With repeated betrayal. Let’s come to the story.

Now, here again, who helped him? Of course, his girlfriend. His girlfriend is working on a side business where she coaches clients to lose weight, and her monthly income is around $3k to $4k. That’s how he got an idea and started researching, and again, he started earning.

And again, something happened. Now guess what?

No, no, he didn’t get betrayed this time, hahaha. Good news! He got a call from an old client, and he asked him to help with the gym launching.

But he denied it because, of course, he didn’t want to go through another phase of depression, especially with the same pattern. But that old client asked him to teach him how to launch the way he was doing.

And Alex agreed. The client asked for the price. Alex didn’t know because it was a new business. So, he told a random price that was $6000, and the client agreed. That sudden agreement led to Alex thinking.

Just from one call, he got $6000. That’s how he started doing more research on this. And, of course, he was already great in sales. He made a good offer.

And he started selling his offer; some paid $8000, some $12000. Once, he sold his offer for $16000. And by doing this, he earned $60,000 in a single day.

By solving this problem, he started earning $300,000 to $400,000 to $780,000 to $1 million. That’s how he started earning millions ($2.8 million) monthly.

In one year, he earned $26 million. Subtracting all expenses, the profit was completely $17 million. Things started going awesome. He got married to his girlfriend. And you guys remember he went against his dad. In these times, his relations with his dad also improved. But again, entrepreneurship life is full of ups and downs.

Now, guess what? No good news. But what happened? No, no, he didn’t get betrayed, but this time, it was COVID-19. You all are aware of this unforgettable event. His sales started decreasing. But he was in a secure position, so nothing big happened to him. But this time, he had learned to grow, to survive in all situations.

He thought to teach the lessons to all people, not just get limited by the gym. So, if you have read till here, it means you all know how good he is in sales. So, he wrote a book.

The book’s sales were great. But he didn’t want to stop there. So, he started making videos on YouTube where he could reach an unlimited number of people.

Five lessons we can learn from Alex Harmozi:

  1. Keep Trying: Alex’s story shows that if you keep trying, you’ll eventually succeed. Even when things get tough, don’t give up!
  2. Support Matters: Having someone who believes in you, like Alex’s girlfriend, can make a big difference. It helps when someone’s there for you no matter what.
  3. Learn from Mistakes: When things don’t go right, it’s okay! Just learn from what went wrong and try again. That’s how Alex kept going.
  4. Be Ready to Change: Things don’t always go as planned. Alex had to change his plans a lot, and that’s okay! Being able to adapt is important.
  5. Believe in Yourself: Despite facing doubts and criticisms, Alex never lost faith in himself and his abilities. Believing in his vision, he pursued his dreams with unwavering determination, ultimately turning them into reality. That’s what Alex did, and it helped him reach his goals.

You can find his YouTube channel and his VIRAL book. You know what? I have read his book a long time ago. I read it because of the title only: “100 Million Dollar Offer.”

It just hit me, but at that time, I didn’t know the author. I read without knowing the author. At that time, I was not curious about who wrote it and all; I just wanted to read it. Hahaha.

Now I never skip the author part because, again, with time, we all grow and change.

You can find this book here. I am going to write a summary of this. So, save this post; I will put a link on this post. You can subscribe to my email to get updated.

Love your girlfriend. Hahaha. Not because she is going to help you, but because you don’t know what tomorrow holds.

Have a nice day. A beautiful day. I have never written a post in a single sit on this business genre. This is the first post. I enjoyed and learned a lot of lessons.

Thank you.

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