How this book changed me: The compound effect.

Review of the compound effect book by Darren Hardy.

The only book you need to learn about the compounding effect is this one. I read it two years ago, and I can still recall the lessons it taught. However, I didn’t enjoy the book that much because I already knew the material it covered.

I watched a lot of videos and listened to podcasts because,

At first, I wasn’t aware that there was a whole book on this subject, I liked the topic so I watched every video on YouTube. which led me to the compound effect book.

And believe me when I say that this book is essential reading if you are unfamiliar with compounding. You can still read it even if you have little knowledge about the subject.

The author of “The Compound Effect” is Darren Hardy.

Darren Hardy is a well-known personal development author, speaker, and mentor. His book “The Compound Effect,” which highlights the ability of tiny, persistent acts over time to generate success, is his most well-known work.

As publisher and editorial director of SUCCESS
magazine, Darren is in a unique position to interview
leading experts on human performance and achievement,
as well as many of today’s top CEOs, revolutionary
entrepreneurs, superstar athletes, entertainers, and
Olympic champions, to uncover and share the success
secrets behind their extraordinary success.

Through writing and public speaking, he offers useful advice on how to set and achieve goals, develop healthy routines, and increase output. With his clear and approachable style, Darren helps a broad audience of people looking to advance personally and professionally understand complex ideas.

Total page no of this book: 195.


Chapter 1: The COMPOUND EFFECT In Action
Chapter 2: Choices
Chapter 3: Habits
Chapter 4: Momentum
Chapter 5: Influences
Chapter 6: Acceleration

You may be wondering, “What’s the use of content?” Well, this is the most important part for me because, only after reading the contents, I decide whether to read the book or not. If the content is good, I’ll read the entire book. I also always search Google for content, which is why I’ve pasted it here in case it helps someone.

My personal favorite 5 takeaways from the compound effect.

Setting boundaries is uncomfortable:

When you set boundaries, people are going to be offended and make you feel bad, and try to pull you back—especially those closest to you.

But, don’t let that stop you; remember, it’s not about you; it’s about them being unable to accept their own poor choices. Remember that setting boundaries can be challenging and uncomfortable, but it’s okay as long as you don’t give up.

Do not spend 3 hours with 3-minute people:

I can’t even begin to describe the moment this sentence clicked into my mind: avoid spending more time with people who are not aligned with your goals.

Sure, it can be difficult to let go of them entirely because you have memories with them, but are you really willing to give up your dreams? The people you spend your time with will ultimately gonna shape the speed of your dreams, so get to know them and, if they aren’t your ideal buddies, cut your ties.

Take a look at your relationships and make sure you’re not spending three hours with a three-minute person.

Find honest people:

The author suggests that the quickest and easiest method to improve yourself is to identify honest people who will be truthful about you and tell the truth about you even if it sounds rude and ask them all the questions you want to ask in order to improve,

such as “How do I show up at you? What qualities do you think I have? What areas do you believe I should work on improving? In what ways do you think I weaken myself? Which one of my habits can I give up to benefit myself the most? Which one thing should I begin doing first?

You are not a victim:

Everyone gets treated with respect and love if they have high standards.

If you have low standards, you are not receiving these things because you are teaching others how to treat you.

For example, if you wait for people and accept being late, you are teaching them that it’s okay to be late. Conversely, if you tolerate disrespect, you are teaching them that it’s acceptable to treat you poorly.

I used to believe that it was okay to not speak up for myself if I accepted those behaviors then this is kindness, but this lesson has changed the way I view things. It’s not kindness; rather, it’s a lack of self-love that prevents you from standing up for yourself.

It’s amazing how life will organize around the standards you
set for yourself. Some people think they’re the victims of other
people’s behavior, but in actuality, we have control over how
people treat us. Protect your emotional, mental, and physical
space so you can live with peace, rather than in the chaos and
stress the world will hurl upon you.

Wish for a brave life, not for an easy life:

Trust me, I started praying for improvement because I always believed that life should be easy.

In fact, not only me, but most people think the same that life should be easy, but why settle for easy when you can wish for something different? You can wish to become a better person or to be brave enough to face any hardship. Since I constantly pray for courage, so I can handle any hardship I face with ease rather than an easy life.

(if you want to read all chapter summaries of the compound effect book then click here)

I would rate it a 6 out of 10, yet if you are unfamiliar with the compounding topic, you may give it a 9 out of 10.

Thank you!

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