10 lessons I learned from the book Show Your Work by Austin kleon.

10 lessons I learned from the book Show Your Work by Austin kleon.

Author overview: Austin Kleon, the guy who wrote “Show Your Work!”, lives in Austin, Texas. He’s a writer and artist who talks a lot about being creative and showing your work to people. He wrote another popular book called “Steal Like an Artist,” which is all about how to be more creative. Basically, Kleon thinks … Read more

The Untold Story of Alex Harmozi: From Debt to $100 Million Profits.

The Untold Story of Alex Harmozi: From Debt to $100 Million Profits.

Who is Alex Harmozi? Alex Harmozi is a successful entrepreneur known for his popular YouTube channel and bestselling books. He’s gained a large following on YouTube, where he shares valuable insights and tips on business and entrepreneurship. Additionally, Alex has authored several books that have resonated with readers seeking inspiration and practical advice for achieving … Read more

6 habits of billionaires to become successful.

6 habits of billionaires to become successful.

Becoming a billionaire might seem like an impossible dream, but many of them share common habits that helped them achieve success. These habits aren’t some secret formula but rather practical routines and mindsets that anyone can adopt. From waking up early to reading daily, these habits can set you on the path to success. So, … Read more

4 top pieces of advice to get ahead by 99% that I learned the hard way.

4 top pieces of advice to get ahead by 99% that I learned the hard way.

I learned not to play the victim card, even in betrayal, but to focus on self-awareness and personal growth. There were times when I felt wronged or betrayed by others, and it would have been simple to fall into self-pity or hold other people accountable for my bad circumstances. However, I learned that true strength … Read more

10 lessons I learned from this book: Ask and it is given.

10 lessons I learned from this book: Ask and it is given.

“Ask and It Is Given” is a book all about making your dreams come true by understanding the power of your thoughts and feelings. It talks about something called the Law of Attraction, which basically says that whatever you focus on, you attract into your life. The book gives practical tips and exercises to help … Read more

As a medical student, I wish I had known this advice earlier.

As a medical student, I wish I had known this advice earlier.

If someone had given me the ability to go back and make one change as a medical student, I would change this one thing first.  Starting to study early.I wish I had started studying earlier. I’m in my third year of medical school, and after not studying for two of those years, I’m suffering from … Read more

10 lessons I learned from the book “You are badass”

10 lessons I learned from the book "You are badass"

 Are you impressed with your current life? answer in 2 seconds. If not, make immediate changes to improve it. Then This book You Are Badass is meant for you. All you have to do is have faith that all of your desires are achievable: All you have to do is trust the universe more since it … Read more



This is sickness: Remember not to take anything personally. We all have a limited amount of time on earth, so prioritize your thoughts and your work. Some people may have said something hurtful to you; it has nothing to do with you. However, if you start taking everything personally, this is a sickness. Why did she … Read more

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