7 Game-Changing Morning Routines That Will Change Your Life Forever.

The best time to establish a good routine is in the morning when it is impossible for someone to disturb you.

Making small adjustments in the morning will help you to have a productive day.

People who don’t know what to do in the morning or don’t believe in the power of the morning are wasting their lives; don’t be one of them.

Sleeping schedule: It’s crucial to understand that, of course, waking up is the first step in the morning routine. However, in order to wake up, we need a good night’s sleep, so it’s important to sleep early.

However, this is easier said than done; the most crucial thing is to regularly sleep at the same time every day in order to establish a routine that is easier to stick to.

Don’t press the snooze button: I’m sure you’ve seen this habit in every YouTube video and on every website, so it’s crucial to pay attention to it.

You may think that hitting the snooze button doesn’t mean much, but you’re completely wrong, bro. Pressing the snooze button implies that you lack self-respect and morals.

Oh my god, have you been offended? It’s not me; it’s what you’re telling yourself through your actions. If you set an alarm for a specific time, it means you have to wake up at that time. However, if you choose to press the button rather than waking up and keeping your word, you are weakening yourself.

Naturally, this also includes feelings of guilt, which will undoubtedly make your day worse.

Avoid using phones: If we’re talking about morning routines, it’s impossible to avoid using phones in the morning. Picking up your phone first thing in the morning is like taking a bad medication that will ruin your day and lower your mood. Don’t make the excuse that you have to check your WhatsApp messages because that’s important after all. It’s all stupid excuses. If you have an urgent matter, wake up early by thirty minutes, but avoid using a phone.

As I am writing this in the morning at 7:08 am, having woken up at 5 am, I haven’t checked my phone, and my classes start at 8:30 am, I’m tempted to check.

However, with reflection, I see that these are simply selfish justifications, as it’s impossible to predict how a minute spent on WhatsApp will result in an hour spent on our phones. It seems like when we use our phones it sticks to us, lol.

Begin analyzing your behavior: In order to establish a morning routine and develop a good habit, you must first assess your current situation and choose which of your morning habits is the worst. You may have more bad habits, but for now, simply concentrate on improving one. Developing good habits requires kicking bad ones. Even if you develop a tonne of positive habits, you won’t get very far if you keep doing your bad habits.

Do not begin with huge numbers: occasionally, after watching a lot of videos, we get really motivated to change everything and make life the best it can be.

However, the most important thing is to avoid starting with too many habits. Although you may think that you can handle this and that you have the ability, so bro, you are wrong because you never know what tomorrow holds.

Start with no more than two habits, and keep in mind that these should be small habits.

Just because I said three habits doesn’t mean that you will now develop a four-hour gym habit, a three-hour study habit, etc. What I’m trying to say is, start small—both in terms of number and time. For example, set aside 30 minutes for studying and 10 minutes for exercise.

Select your habits carefully: Everyone has their own routines that fit with their values. Don’t just blindly follow someone else’s path; it’s okay to use other people’s ideas, but ultimately, you need to establish your own schedule.

For instance, if your goal is to become a bodybuilder, then spending the majority of your time working out is important.

For me, that means studying, so if I spend four hours in the gym and one hour studying, that doesn’t work. Now that you understand what I mean, develop a habit that aligns with your values and goals; the key is to simply make it happen.

Consistency: if you’ve read this far, you must be serious about making changes. even so, there will be days when you don’t want to follow routines or don’t want to wake up. 
This is why it’s important to be consistent, to make all of your habits meaningful; if you follow them, but not consistently, they won’t help.

For this reason, I told you to start small because it’s easier to maintain habits that way. Take me as an example: I slept at 1 am and woke up at 5 am. Trust me, I don’t want to wake up, but I choose to, and now that I’m writing, I feel incredibly refreshed and grateful that I woke up. Or else I’ll be living with guilt today.

You will witness improvements in your life if you just follow this easy routine, I promise. Life is all about trying new things.

Thank you!

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