4 top pieces of advice to get ahead by 99% that I learned the hard way.

I learned not to play the victim card, even in betrayal, but to focus on self-awareness and personal growth.

There were times when I felt wronged or betrayed by others, and it would have been simple to fall into self-pity or hold other people accountable for my bad circumstances.

However, I learned that true strength comes from taking responsibility for my own actions and emotions and using challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

Treating people with kindness: Being kind to others became an essential part of my interactions as I had no idea what challenges they were going through. I realized that everyone is fighting their own battles and dealing with their own hardships, and a little kindness can go a long way in brightening someone’s day.

I made an effort to be compassionate and understanding towards others, offering a listening ear or a helping hand whenever I could.

Learning to find happiness within myself taught me not to broadcast my sadness to everyone around me.

There were times when I felt overwhelmed by negative emotions or challenges, and it was tempting to seek validation or sympathy from others. However I learned that true happiness comes from within, and I focused on cultivating a positive mindset and finding joy in the little things.

I also learned the importance of reaching out for support when I needed it, rather than bottling up my feelings or burdening others with my problems.

Finally, I learned not to return to people who had broken or used me, recognizing the importance of self-respect and boundaries. It was a tough lesson to learn, but I came to understand that I deserve to be treated with love, kindness, and respect in all my relationships.

I learned to let go of toxic connections and surround myself with people who uplifted and valued me for who I am. This allowed me to create healthier and more fulfilling relationships, built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding.

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