10 lessons I learned from the book “You are badass”

 Are you impressed with your current life? answer in 2 seconds. If not, make immediate changes to improve it. Then This book You Are Badass is meant for you.

All you have to do is have faith that all of your desires are achievable: All you have to do is trust the universe more since it is the source of all energy. You can only have faith if you have both action and energy.

Your faith must be stronger than fear. Energy by itself is insufficient for growth; action requires energy, and without action, energy is worthless, no matter how your desires or how wonderful it may look in your imagination. Therefore, no matter how impossible your goal may seem to you, you must have both faith and action in order to accomplish your goals.

You can no longer attract magic into your life if you start to doubt yourself.

Stay in the moment: The author shares a story (Wonderful Hindu story about a woman who desired to see the god Krishna. So she entered the forest, shut her eyes, prayed, and focused on calling the god to her. As she was doing this, Krishna appeared, walking towards her along the forest path.

However, the lady urged Krishna to get lost when he touched her shoulder without opening her eyes since she was focused on a very important aim during her meditation)What the author wants us to understand is that when we become too consumed with our thoughts, we miss out on what is in front of us at this very moment.

We need to take a moment to stop and observe what is in front of us. Take note of how you are feeling right now; feel your breath, your skin, your hair, etc.; if you are feeling present, you are raising your frequency; the more time you spend in the present, the better your life will be.
Experiencing the present moment frees your mind and establishes a connection with Source Energy, raising your vibration and drawing like things into your life.

All those high-frequency experiences and things are already here; all you need to do is shut up your mind. and experience the here and this moment.

How insecurity makes us stressed: No matter how amazing you are, if you are dependent on approval from others to feel good about yourself, you are only keeping yourself behind. Even though you believe that you are a victim and that you need other people to empower you, you are still creating stress for yourself if you are making your body seem good so that you may show other people or expect them to notice great things about you. These are all indications of insecurity.
Have a greater purpose for your life and pursue it; you are the one in charge of it; don’t give this opportunity to anyone else. This is only possible if your goals are greater than your insecurities.

Avoid spending time with your best friend at this point:
There will be people who dislike you when you start to change, but that’s okay. You have started to change, and some of your closest friends and family care about you and love you, even though they only say negative things. Don’t do this; there are too many risks involved.

What if you fail? Is this really what you need? Yes, they do love you, but in situations like these, you just need support—not this kind of stress. Thus, make an effort to avoid these kinds of CLOSEST PEOPLE during such times.

If a truck hits you: You will have to go through a lot when you finally decide to quit your stable job. Not only are you fighting your own battle, but you also have to deal with other people’s dramas.

Therefore, even if a truck hits you, don’t try to take it as a sign that you shouldn’t quit; instead, consider it as evidence that you are moving in the right direction. These are the initial challenges that you must overcome.

Not work but belief system:

Have you ever noticed that a teacher seems to appreciate a student more when they are performing well?
or do teachers at some schools give particular attention just to smart students?

That is how a world functions exactly. When you’re prepared to accept that you are deserving of reward, doubts will only arise when you realize, deep down, that you may not have given your best effort—that’s it if you work like hell.

You will never have any reason to question the effort you have put in, so when you do, when feel that you should have received a bigger pay scale, guilt-free, and shame-free, then the universe will only be willing to provide for you; it isn’t hard work; rather, it’s a belief system that attracts money, so you can claim with confidence that you deserve it.

Set realistic goals: If your daily workout includes walking to the pizza place around the block, don’t plan to run 10 kilometers a day.
Begin by running a half mile each day, and as your strength increases, add more.
Like any muscle, discipline must be developed gradually. Never start doing anything because someone else is doing it; each person is different and has different abilities.

With this kind of thinking, how dare you expect money to find you?
Look, you are the one who complicates things in life. Money is simply a piece of paper; we are the ones who give it value. As a result, money has no true worth; we are the ones who give it value.
Have you come across someone who is more successful financially yet has the same degree and profession? How?

Simply put, their energy and mindset are different. If you think you should only be paid $10 an hour, you only attract these kinds of people.

Thus, increase your frequency, change your perspective, and strongly feel that you are deserving of bigger pay. Employers and clients who are already at that frequency are drawn to you when you charge your clients at a specific frequency or demand a certain pay.

Throw these people out of your life right away: those who are so self-centered, violent, accusing, negative, dominating, envious, manipulative, victimized, irritable, depressing, or cruel to animals.
If they are so centered, it’s likely that they don’t care about what you’re feeling and only want to drain your energy.

Even when you talk to them about your feelings, they will only defend themselves since they believe they are always right.

The author suggests that rather than wasting time on them, you should just break up with them completely, without any explanation or guilt. Tell them that you’re not happy and that you’re not ready for a discussion. Don’t give them anything to talk about, whether they are friends or partners.

Remember that you need to grow into a better version of yourself, and you can’t do that with these kinds of people.

Anyhow you will feel ashamed:

You need to take control of your life when fear starts to control you. Analyze it and determine what is truly terrifying to you. Then, turn it around and make it work for you rather than allowing it to hold you back.

As an example, let’s imagine you want to write a book but are too afraid to begin. Why? since you’re afraid it won’t turn out well. If it’s bad, you’ll also feel foolish and guilty. So, in order to prevent yourself from those emotions, you decide not to write it at all.

Let’s take the opposite approach: If you never write your book, how foolish and ashamed would you feel? Quite horrible, huh? You run the danger of experiencing those emotions whether you attempt to succeed or not at all. Isn’t it worse to live with regret and shame than to try and learn from the experience?

Break it down and face your anxieties. You can use fear as motivation to reach your goals by changing the way you perceive things.

Click here to view a quick summary of each chapter of this book.

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